Wednesday 1 August 2018

Summer trip to Carelia. part 3

Доброе утро! (Good morning!)

Just in case you've missed one of my posts here are links to all the parts of the story of our Russian adventure: Part 1part 2, part 3, part 4

Today I'll tell you some more about our adventures in Russian Carelia. So, what did we do? Well, mainly ate and drank tea. You have to prepare for a lot of eating and drinking tea if you're going to visit someone in Russia.

At grandmother's we drink tea in the morning, around noon, as well as 5 o'clock tea and then we have some more tea in the evening. Julius hasn't quite figured out how to drink tea yet. He's too careless so he often ends up spilling the tea and getting burns. But he really liked the samovar. He won't shut up about how we have to get one for our home too. Somebody shoot me.

You probably want to see what we ate in Russia. The humans ate lots of fish, but there's no way you could get me and Julius to eat fish. We actually ate very healthy food in Carelia, though – lots of fruit and berries, and candy with the tea of course.

Julius just before he started eating his way through the whole watermelon.

After we'd finished breakfast it was time to go out into the yard.

Oh, look, an old shoe!
The dog was busy barking at passers-by. He didn't even have time to talk to us.
Grandmother also has a cat, Glafira. We wanted to play with her, but she was super pregnant and didn't want to play with us. We offered to help squeeze out the kittens but she didn't like that idea.

Grandmother has lived in this house almost her entire life. So it's quite old. It was last renovated in 1992 or thereabouts.

We saw some cows grazing outside the gate, so we climbed up on the roof to tease them. Trust me, teasing cows is much safer if you're high up somewhere where they cant reach.

Climbing up the ladder to the roof

So we spent the rest of the afternoon on the roof teasing the locals. Julius taught me some chastushka songs. We sang so loud that even the dog started joining in, or, well, howling at least.

Then we had the brilliant idea that we were going to look into the old well. Julius wanted to have a competition to see who could spit the best into the well. It didn't end well. We both fell in and ended up in the dark and cold water. Luckily our human was nearby. She heard us shouting and rescued us. I'm really glad I didn't have to spend the night in dark well with the frogs.

Me looking into the abyss

Hanging out to dry
That's all for today, folks!

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