Wednesday, 5 February 2020

Tel Aviv

Shalom y'all!

After our Sabbath excursion to Bethlehem we decided we'd had enough religion for one holiday, so we left Jerusalem and headed west. To Tel Aviv of course.

As you can see from the pictures Tel Aviv has some pretty nice beaches. Unfortunately they really don't want you to go in the water in the winter.

All the beaches had signs like the one above. They also seemed to be really worried about tsunamis, as you can see below. I didn't even know tsunamis were a thing in the Mediterranean...

Anyway, here's a picture of me about to throw Julius in the water. He came back shivering and murmuring something about really dangerous currents.

New Year's Eve came around while we were in Tel Aviv. Obviously New Year's Eve isn't really a thing in Israel so Julius and I went shopping in preparation for our own little party.

We found some nice Soviet champagne in one of the local shops but Julius kept nagging me until I bought a bottle for him too. Can you guess which one is his? The gold one of course. He really likes shiny things the little critter.

Finally I'm going to leave you with one more picture of me and the Tel Aviv skyline.

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